MACD, District Staff, and Partners Attend National Association of Conservation Districts Annual Meeting in New Orleans.
MACD, District Staff, and Partners Attend National Association of Conservation Districts Annual Meeting in New Orleans.

Last week, February 11-15, 2023; Michigan was well represented at the National Association of Conservation Districts' Annual Meeting down in the "Big Easy," New Orleans.
The week was filled with training sessions, meetings, networking opportunities and various discussions about what's on the horizon for America's Conservation Districts. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, NRCS Chief Terry Cosby were some of the keynote speakers, and the repeated themes expressed by many speakers throughout the week was that this is the moment for Conservation Districts. The historic investment into the Farm Bill Conservation Title programming via the Inflation Reduction Act represents the largest investment in conservation in a lifetime. The need for delivering conservation on the ground to underserved populations and new customers we haven't reached in the past is greater than ever.