MACD Issues Statement on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity

MACD Issues Statement on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity

Michigan Association of Conservation Districts leaders are deeply repulsed by the acts of violence, xenophobia, racism, and bigotry occurring across our state and nation. We are horrified and angered by the recent series of attacks against members of the Asian and Asian-American communities. We condemn these and all acts of violence, xenophobia, racism, and bigotry. Everyone should be able to pursue their life goals without fear of being targeted.

It can be all too easy to ignore what doesn’t happen to you directly or those close to you, but this past year has brought us so much suffering that we know that we must look out for each other. We know this is distressing and it takes a heavy toll on your mental health and wellbeing. If you or someone you know is in need of support, we suggest contacting your Community Mental Health services, county human resources services, and other local public service and counseling resources. 

In December 2020, the General Assembly of the Michigan Association of Conservation Districts approved the attached policy for Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity. You are encouraged to read the policy and implement a similar policy for your District.

Michigan Association of Conservation Districts strives to be a welcoming and inclusive place for individuals of all backgrounds and identities. We challenge you to affirm our commitment to live each day by principles of community – respect, purpose, cooperation, richness of diversity, freedom from discrimination, and honest and respectful expression of ideas.


Gerald Miller                                      Elaine Brown                              Dan Moilanen
President                                           Vice-President                            Executive Director

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